Business. On Thursday, during the bullish phase of the stock market, Nestle India’s shares were registering a rise of 0.43 percent and were working at the level of Rs 26,750 with a gain of Rs 115. Shares of Nestle India (Nestle India Share Price) had seen a high of Rs 26900 in early trade. The 52 week high level of Nestle India shares with a market cap of about Rs 2.58 lakh crore is Rs 27693 while the 52 week low level is Rs 17880.
In the last 5 days, Nestle India shares have given a return of 1.7 percent to the investors and its shares are trading at Rs 445. In the last one month, investors have got 10% return from Nestle India shares and investors’ capital has increased by Rs 2350.
In the last 6 months, Nestle India shares have given a return of 19 percent to investors. Nestle India’s shares have given a return of 25 percent to investors from the level of Rs 21667 on August 17 last year.
Shares of Nestle India were at the level of Rs 17993 on March 15, 2023, from where investors have got a bumper return of about 50 percent. Nestle India’s shares were at the level of Rs 10095 on March 8, 2019, from where investors have got a return of 167 percent.
Nestle India’s shares have given a return of 973 percent to the investors (Nestle India Share Price) from the level of Rs 2494 on January 8, 2010. Nestle India shares are going to be split soon. If you too had not bought the shares of Nestle India till now because the share prices were very high, then the shares of Nestle India are going to be split as per the record date on 5th January.
Nestle India Share Price
Shares of Nestle, India’s sixth most expensive company, will now be available according to the pocket of common people. Nestle India shares are going to be split in the ratio of 1:10 as per the record date of 5th January. This means that if you hold one share of Nestle India on the record date, then after the split you will have 10 shares of Nestle India.
If you have a capital of ₹ 1,00,000 to invest in shares, then perhaps you will not be able to buy even a single share of MRF Limited. Its price is Rs 1.3 lakh. After the share split of Maggi maker Nestle India, the interest of common investors in it may increase. Nestle India’s stock is the sixth most expensive stock in terms of share price in the Indian stock market after MRF, Page Industries, Honeywell Automation, 3m India and Shree Cement.